The Disciples of Christ version of The Holy Bible is a collaborative work translated using the oldest reliable manuscripts. The DSS abbreviation stands for The Dead Sea Scrolls (550 B.C. to 100 A.D.) biblical content that predates the Greek Septuagint, making The Disciples of Christ version of The Bible the oldest version of The Bible ever to be translated into English. Other sources include, The Mt.Sinai Bible 300-400 A.D, and The Codex Vaticanus 400-500 A.D.

"No one who drinks the old desires the new, for His ancient word is good" Luke 5:39 - P75 - 75-175 A.D.

For a full list see the works cited page.

This is a Christian non-denominational version of the Bible dedicated to the one true living God, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.